Tuesday, May 11, 2010

video goes here

the video demonstrates your black and red chord, the torso backpack bookmark in your bookmark folder "shop" (in may 2010).

Grab all the three column blogger essentials.

I would keep this pink. ("pink is my favorite color")

Keep this 'onepageable' and Mobile. (mobile is king)

'Big-button' mobile phone orientation in contrast to measuring oneself dexterously.

The bulk of men who shop by tailor are well in touch of their femine side.

Those who aren't will shop anyway.

Have a supa nasty logo to promo for this blog.

Make a "pipe" per se of your own between all the dumbass shopping websiteds (like, bizrate, ebay, etc.) and connect men who have measured themselves to the custom API for each clothing search engine and for each vendor as well.

LL Bean seams to be the only one I've found that offers tall foor men routinely. Others don't even consider it.